Lets Make

your own custom

cigar box guitar



Cigar box Social

The Cigar Box Social is the brain child of Blues guitar maestro Howlin’ Mat.

Howlin’ Mat is a nomadic solo blues artist who has played 1000’s of gigs from The Sahara to the North Pole. His playing has received credits from legendary artists such as John Paul Jones [Led Zeppelin] and Mud Morganfield [son of Muddy Waters].

He was introduced to the Cigar Box Guitar very early on in his playing career and fell in love instantly. As with every devotee of the CBG, it wasn’t long before he started to make his own cigar box guitars. Coming from a teaching background, this naturally led to the occasional workshop.

In 2023, the Cigar Box Social was born with the express intention of introducing these amazing instruments to the wider population. Since then, it has gone from strength to strength.

Here are some comments from people who have attended previous workshops

“We absolutely loved it thank you. Best event I’ve ever attended. Howlin’ Mat is a really cool interesting guy too.”

“Great session. Thanks for organizing it and of course thanks to Howlin’ Mat for a most entertaining and productive afternoon – brilliant!!”

“I loved it and I love my guitar. Mat, you’re a legend.”

“You brought a bunch of strangers in to do something and you also brought them together which is wonderful.”

“It was great. Really great. I really enjoyed it as did my friend. It was a brilliant afternoon. You are very engaging and the thing that really makes it is you, your tales, your personality and honest delivery

Make it